Time Mersing Harbour Centre:

Book Your Taxi

Ferry - Bus - Taxi

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If you have a little extra budget or if you don't mind traveling in a bit of comfort, then going by taxi is a suitable way to get about in Malaysia. Taxi fees in Malaysia are way more affordable than in the west for example, or even than in Singapore. Part of the reason is the cheap Malaysian currency of course, but the lower cost of living in Malaysia also plays a part.

So not only will you be going from A to B faster than if you'd be going by bus, but you'll also be doing your part in providing a living for the thousands of taxi drivers in Malaysia, most of whom are independent breadwinners. Win-win.

As for your journey, the taxi will typically pick you up from your specified address, anywhere in Singapore or Malaysia. A hotel address is fine too of course. You'll then be driven, in style and convenience, to your destination. Do make sure that you have enough Ringgit on you, because taxis in Malaysia tend not to accept credit card or foreign money.

Of course, nothing beats having paid in advance, because then the transaction is all taken care of, no worries.

Want to book your taxi now? Just send below inquiry.

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