Time Mersing Harbour Centre:

Tioman Ferries

Ferry - Bus - Taxi

 Book your bus hereBook your taxi hereBook your train hereBook your flight hereBook your ferry here

The journey between Mersing and Tioman takes between 1.5 hours and 2 hours, depending on the weather.

Click here to book your ferry tickets. We'll send you all details required for your ferry crossing. Your tickets will be awaiting your collection at Mersing Harbour Centre. Just show your payment details printout to collect your tickets.

After collecting your tickets, you're required to register all your group's passengers into the ferry manifest. Once done, you can make your way to the ferry gate. The "Ready for Boarding" announcement will be made when the ferry is ready to go. Since the ferry seats aren't numbered, feel free to sit where you like.

Lastly, for the sake of passengers' safety, we recommend you take a moment to familiarize yourself with the location of the life-jackets in the side overheads and the location of the various ferry cabin exits.

Tioman Ferry Stops


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