Time Mersing Harbour Centre:

Bus to Mersing

Ferry - Bus - Taxi

 Book your bus hereBook your taxi hereBook your train hereBook your flight hereBook your ferry here

If you need to go to Mersing to catch your ferry, then you can secure your bus tickets here. All bus details, such as pick-up time, departure point etc, will be displayed before you make your booking. You can select your preferred seats, and your reservation will be confirmed instantly.
Enjoy up to 20% discount when you book online
NOTE: Peak season is !

1) One Way or Return
2) Start location (From) and destination (To)
3) Travel date/s
4) Number of Passengers
5) Book Now. This opens a new window, to transaction provider Busonlineticket.

Note: You can use this reservation form for all bus routes from Singapore to Malaysia, as well as all bus routes in Malaysia.

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